file | CentralRelativeAdapter.hpp [code] |
| Adapter-class for passing bearing-vector correspondences to the central relative-pose algorithms. Maps opengv types back to opengv types.
file | CentralRelativeMultiAdapter.hpp [code] |
| Adapter-class for passing bearing-vector correspondences to the central relative-pose algorithms. Maps opengv types back to opengv types. For multi-central-viewpoint. Manages multiple match-lists for pairs of cameras (e.g. pairs of central viewpoints).
file | CentralRelativeWeightingAdapter.hpp [code] |
| Adapter-class for passing bearing-vector correspondences to the central relative-pose algorithms. Maps opengv types back to opengv types. Also contains "weights" reflecting the quality of a feature correspondence (typically between 0 and 1)
file | MACentralRelative.hpp [code] |
| Adapter-class for passing bearing-vector correspondences to the central relative-pose algorithms. Maps matlab types to opengv types.
file | MANoncentralRelative.hpp [code] |
| Adapter-class for passing bearing-vector correspondences to the non-central relative-pose algorithms. Maps matlab types to opengv types.
file | MANoncentralRelativeMulti.hpp [code] |
| Adapter-class for passing bearing-vector correspondences to the non-central relative-pose algorithms. Maps Matlab types to opengv types. Manages multiple match-lists for pairs of cameras. This allows to draw samples homogeneously over the cameras.
file | methods.hpp [code] |
| A collection of methods for computing the relative pose between two calibrated central or non-central viewpoints.
file | NoncentralRelativeAdapter.hpp [code] |
| Adapter-class for passing bearing-vector correspondences to the non-central relative-pose algorithms. Maps opengv types back to opengv types.
file | NoncentralRelativeMultiAdapter.hpp [code] |
| Adapter-class for passing bearing-vector correspondences to the non-central relative-pose algorithms. Maps opengv types back to opengv types. Manages multiple match-lists for pairs of cameras. This allows to draw samples homogeneously over the cameras.
file | RelativeAdapterBase.hpp [code] |
| Adapter-class for passing bearing-vector correspondences to the relative-pose algorithms.
file | RelativeMultiAdapterBase.hpp [code] |
| Adapter-class for passing bearing-vector correspondences to the relative-pose algorithms. Intended for multi-central-viewpoint or relative non-central-viewpoint problems. Access of correspondences etc. via an additional pair-index referring to the pairs of cameras.